Legal Focus Groups & Mock Trials - NJ Trial Consulting
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Legal Focus Groups & Mock Trials

Legal Focus Groups & Mock Trials

Our focus group and mock trial panels are selected from the specific trial venue, and are designed to replicate as nearly as possible the jury you will eventually select in the courtroom. In each case, we study the demographics of the venue and include the factors you would consider in the courtroom. We will provide you with as many panelists as you wish, but our recommendation is that 10-12 provides an excellent cross-section and makes the discussions lively and meaningful. After all, the purpose in your viewing the focus group is to learn what the panelists think about your case that will make the difference in the courtroom. The facilitator will engage the panelists in a lively discussion about both sides of the case and learn their opinions and what they want to know, and why. The entire presentation is video recorded which will be provided to both you and your client (if you request it) and you may elect to have live streaming to clients and colleagues. Our unique system of presentation allows you and your colleagues to view the entire proceeding via remote television, or behind mirrored glass, and to be in constant touch with the focus group facilitator through our computer screens. After the first phase of the presentation is made by the facilitator, the statement of the law to be applied, based upon state model jury charges, is given to the panel. In addition to the evaluation of facts and testimony, we encourage our clients to provide demonstrative evidence expected to be used in the trial so that our panel can evaluate the clarity and usefulness that the demonstratives offer.

Private deliberations then begin and a verdict sheet is completed by the panelists during their deliberations, all of which will be viewed by you and your staff. As it happens, the panelists agree to be recorded, but they are not aware that they are being observed in real time. The discussions that ensue in private deliberations by the panelists provide the trial attorney with an insight into the dynamics of jury behavior that will surely tip the balance in your favor in the courtroom! Our work does not end with the verdict. Once the verdict is completed we return to the panel to debrief and discuss with them, individually and as a group, what information they were lacking and what information they would have liked to have heard in order to change the outcome-information that the trial attorney will be able to use to direct the presentation in the courtroom. We want you to come into our courtroom and perhaps lose your case, in order to gain the edge for the real thing. In addition, each panelist completes a pre-hearing survey and demographic breakdown which the trial attorney can use in voir dire and jury selection.

In addition to focus groups, we offer the services of mock trials which will allow the panel to evaluate your case and your client and witnesses as they face direct and cross-examination. The attorney actually gets a chance to make the presentation and determine what needs to be improved or changed in the opinion of the jury. Once again, the venue-specific panel deliberates and reaches a verdict as it is viewed by the trial attorney.